ddobj (drag and drop objects) is an easy-to-use and versatile script that is likely the most stable cross-browser compatible script of its kind intended to enhance the viewing experience of your Website or application. A wizard is included for quick visual creations. The framework requires absolutely no software other than a Web browser for viewing Web pages. Source documentation and usage instructions describe all object properties and parameters for insertion into your Web pages. ddobj is W3C compliant and is compatible with the latest standards and variations of Web page doctypes (LOOSE, STRICT, TRANSITIONAL, FRAMESET, etc.) including legacy HTML standards lacking the doctype directive. ddobj enables resizable "skinned" information windows that are interactively manipulated, and may contain custom HTML content encompassing widgets, tables, text styles, lists, images, video, forms, other scripts, etc. Objects may be restricted by custom boundaries or window extents.
Incorporate AJAX into drag and drop widgets for further seamless interaction when moveable window objects interact with external sources of information. AJAX integration is included with ddobj. Embed external file output dynamically from any file (text, html, PHP, asp, etc.) and into the content of a drag and drop window object or form. The drag and drop objects framework is original, unaltered JavaScript language code (not obfuscated). It is a well-documented and structured, open source product.
Note: You will be able to download the product immediately after ordering!